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To our valued clients,

While we continuously monitor new information and recommendations concerning COVID-19 and its impact to you and our teams, we are continuing to take the following measures:

  • We are continuing to offer Remote Check In. When you arrive for your appointment, please feel free to stay in your car, and give us a call. A client ambassador will check you in, and give you a call back when your room is open and available.
  • We ask if you are not feeling well, are presenting signs of COVID-19 or have been in known contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 that you call and reschedule your non-immediate appointment, or contact us to discuss next steps.

While lobby pickup is available, we have provided the following medication and food pick up protocols:

  • We are offering a Pay Ahead and Curbside Service. If you need to refill your pet’s medication or food, call us at 586-416-8800 and you can pay ahead by credit or debit card. Once you arrive give us a call and we will bring your food or medication out to you or you can pop the trunk and we can put it directly in your car!
  • You are also able to continue to take advantage of our Online Pharmacy linked on our Facebook pages, and websites. This allows you to order food and medication while keeping social distancing by staying home and avoiding in-clinic pick up.

These new additions will be implemented in concurrence with our previous policy and procedure adjustments stated below.

  • Always covering coughs or sneezes with a tissue or sleeve. As well as avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth, with unwashed hands.
  • Practice proper hand washing protocols, and ensure having appropriate supplies readily accessible.
  • Increasing our frequency of cleaning and disinfecting exam rooms, frequently touched objects, and surfaces (computers, keyboards, desks, cellphones, doorknobs, light switches, etc.).
  • We have added a clean/used pen system at sign in and we are disinfecting clipboards between each use.
  • During this time, if you would like our doctor team to wear gloves during the examination, please notify a team member and we would be happy to do so.
  • Please be patient as we are asking any of our team showing symptoms or signs that could be associated with COVID-19 to stay home. This may result in longer wait times than you have experienced in the past.
  • Due to the redirection of certain medications to human healthcare, we may experience shortages in some of our common medications. Please refill your pet’s medication if running low.

With information and guidelines updating and changing daily we will continue to reassess and evaluate what will be the best to keep our clients, patients, and team safe. We thank you for being patient with our team as we continue to implement new safety precautions while protecting you, your family, and keeping exemplary service.

Your Parkway Small Animal & Exotic Hospital Family

©2018 Parkway Small Animal & Exotic Hospital